Happy 7!

Happy 7!

A few days ago I got a message that it was the 7th anniversary of this blog. And like all good things, they must come to an end.

You see, I’ve been debating this for a good long time. Quite some time actually. But every time I start blogging about something new on this site it makes me start to wonder.

I mean, the site basically started out as way to talk about the revival of Blood Bowl. The game and the minis that were coming out, plus whatever stuff I wanted to bring up from my past experiences with Blood Bowl. Well, I can’t hardly remember the last time I played a game of Blood Bowl was. Let alone an honest to goodness challenging game of it.

No, the site moved on from Blood Bowl. There were Necromunda posts, and then Frostgrave. Also Music, Comics, playing (learning!) Guitar, Stargrave, and quite a bit about Dungeons & Dragons. Most of the times these were tied to miniatures and miniature painting. Which has really become the main focus of the site. But every time those other bits came about…I would wonder “Shouldn’t I be creating a new blog for this?!”.

So…this is pretty much the end of Comics posts on this site. As of today I finally got a Comics blog going. I’ve copied over the Comics posts I’ve done here over to the new site, so they are all in one place. But since I can’t copy over all the cool comments you lot have added, I’ll leave the posts here for memories sake.

Although this will be a bit more work for me, I think it’s a wise move. For people who enjoy reading about comics, they can follow that blog and for people who are more interested in minis they can just keep following what I got here. I think that’s simple enough. I definitely enjoy all the blog friends I’ve made with this site, but I totally understand if comics are not your thing. Don’t feel like you *have* to follow! We all have different interests after all.

As for this blog, it’s going to keep going and stay more focused on minis and gaming. So here’s to another 7 years!

I also just might see you in the Funny Pages: https://comicsspinner.wordpress.com

22 thoughts on “Happy 7!

  1. All sounds good to me! πŸ™‚ I’ve signed up already! I like comics but I’m not an aficionado (first time I’ve ever used that word myself so let’s hope I got it right) but I do like to hear about what’s going on, although I’m unlikely to comment and show my ignorance (I know, you’ll say that’s never stopped me in the past)! Hope it goes well!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Happy blogoversary Brian, you had me worried there for a minute as it sounded like you were stopping, but no just adding more to read ! LOL

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Lol, the old bait and hook! Thanks Dave, this site is going to keep going. Thanks for helping me keep going with all your words of wisdom along the way as well! πŸ˜ƒ

      Liked by 2 people

  3. 7 years is quite the milestone so congrats are definitely in order! And a comic book website?! There’s no way I’d be interested in reading about that!!! πŸ˜‰ In all seriousness, it sounds like a great plan to me and I look forward to seeing what you have to say. Maybe there will be an article or two to start with that I missed in the past and will be new to me as well.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh shoot, and hear I thought maybe you’d follow?! I even had a front row seat reserved for you!!
      I think you’ve commented on all the past articles, so anything from Vault of Horror on would be new stuff. I plan on eventually making some changes, a real logo, maybe color change, etc. But all in time and I like the simple design so far.
      Also big thanks for encouraging me to make the final jump in setting up the Comics blog. If we hadn’t kept talking about it, I don’t know that it would have happened. I’m also glad to have met you virtually and check out the work you do. I can’t imagine where your work is going to go in the next 7 years, but you’ll have to hire some security guards if it’s keeps improving, haha!

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      1. Haha, it all sounds a little too exciting for me so I’m going to respectfully bow out! That is kind of what I was thinking on the newer articles and I should have time to take a peek tomorrow at some point. I like how clean the design looks and my site needs a lot of improvements too. Eventually I’ll get around to it, hopefully!

        And you’re welcome! I can’t say that Not Just Capes is attracting a rabid audience but I’m enjoying it and we’ll see where it goes in the future. Same to you on the rest of that sentiment! In seven years, I think you’ll have won your first Golden Demon for an incredible Necromunda or Blood Bowl diorama just like I encouraged you to do πŸ˜‰

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        1. I nearly forgot that most people never see the site design anyways, because it’s much easier to read blogs through the app.
          I think it’s still early for your blog. It will likely grow as people find it and you make more connections. Surprisingly I picked up a few new people. Hopefully not spammers.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. It is very true. On my desktop, I use Reader and when I do click into a website instead of on Reader, I’m often surprised by what I see! That is true that time till tell on viewership. You’re already ahead of me then it sounds like! πŸ™‚

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            1. Yea, same here. Though most my reading is sporadically on my phone while putting out fires at the house! πŸ€ͺ
              I’m also really (and often nicely) surprised when I check out someone’s actual site. Too bad there wasn’t a best of both worlds (the reader and the site), but I guess we take what we can.
              Ahead of you? On subscribers? I’d be pretty surprised at that. I have been using a lot of tags and suggested tags. Not sure if that’s helped at all. I’ll have to check the site stats.

              Liked by 1 person

              1. We all need a break from the chaos of life! πŸ˜€ I agree that Reader and Jetpack app do deprive us of appreciating the websites more fully, unfortunately.

                I have a whopping 9 subscribers and they all happen to be miniature painters, except for one which is my brother so it won’t take a lot of work to get ahead of me!

                Liked by 1 person

    1. Cheers Talaraska! I’m not sure what you mean by “consume”, but I’ll try to answer and you can let me know if I’m missing the mark.

      The blog started off pretty small, but it started to grow a lot as I met Azazel (https://azazelx.com). He is a great miniature painter, with lots of keen advice, and ties to so many people in the blogging community. Knowing him, becoming active in painting challenges, etc. is where I met a lot of fellow bloggers. We have a really close community of miniature painters that encourage each other. Something that is pretty rare online.

      Some of them also share other hobbies from time to time and got me to do similar things. Comics, video games, music, other crafts, gaming, etc. I find it interesting to read what else people are up to and it’s fun to share.

      While I do paint miniatures, and it’s a big part of the blog…I mainly do so for the sake of gaming. I guess growing up, I didn’t have access to all the things kids do today. So I had to use a combination of imagination and whatever craft skills I could muster, to make the things I wanted/envisioned. Which I think is why I’m always “tinkering” with games. Whether that’s changing rules to suit my needs, painting minis, finding the right tokens, making terrain, etc. it’s all part of making the best looking game I possibly can and sharing it with the players.

      As my son got older and headed off to college, we had less and less time for gaming. But my daughter is reaching the age where she is getting better at gaming and really enjoys D&D. This has encouraged me to paint more minis but also got the RPG bug fired up.

      Which lead to several game posts, checking out other rpg blogs (like yours!), etc. I want to do more game posts as I go, but I’m not too happy with most of my posts so far. I feel something is missing. I have a few ideas, and I’ll have to see how they work out.

      Lastly, thanks for following the blog. I’m really glad I found your blog recently and I always look forward to seeing what new post is coming out from you. You have a great writing style and such a wealth of ideas! πŸ™‚

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      1. That’s a great story and I’ve enjoyed all of the different topics you’ve touched upon. I believe I’ve admired Azazel’s minis in the past as well. There are certainly a bunch of good folks in the blog space and that’s been one of the best parts of the experience for me.

        Liked by 1 person

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